Never Enough
About Being in a Relationship with a Vulnerable Narcissist
I am a survivor of narcissistic abuse. I wrote this story as part of my healing journey from a love relationship with a female covert, vulnerable narcissist. The relationship lasted for just five months, but these five months have been intense and traumatized me. Today, I would describe it as a toxic relationship, during which I developed a trauma bond.
I started writing half a year after the breakup. Currently, the written story comprises from when I met my Ex until the breakup. Other parts being considered, but not yet written, are the events after the breakup and my healing journey.
I am sharing my story in the hope that it may be interesting to you, dear reader, or even helpful if you are or have been in a narcissistic relationship yourself. Please keep in mind that although I will be writing about psychological topics, I am not a professional. I am not claiming that what I write is right. I am writing how I perceived it and how it makes sense to me now. I gathered my knowledge about narcissism and attachment theory from Internet articles, YouTube, and books. My knowledge may be wrong and my views may be flawed by cognitive distortion. Take my words with a grain of salt. After all, I might be the narcissist in this story.