Never Enough
About Being in a Relationship with a Vulnerable Narcissist
- Preface
- 1. Who I Am and How We Met
- 2. Our Second Date and Her Ex
- 3. My Intuition Rings a Bell
- 4. The Harsh Review
- 5. Overnight Dates
- 6. Movie Night
- 7. Cooking Stress
- 8. Bringing Out the Trash
- 9. Confounders of Love
- 10. Sweet Month
- 11. Commitment
- 12. The Laundry Incident
- 13. Hypersensitivity to Criticism
- 14. Giving Gifts
- 15. Cinema Contempt
- 16. Simmering Devaluation
- 17. Cultural Rants
- 18. Culture as Projection Surface
- 19. Income Inequality
- 20. Income Insecurity
- 21. Anger Issues
- 22. Be Insensitive
- 23. Sweet Month Ends Bitter
- 24. Hard to Warm
- 25. Relationship Demands
- 26. Inconsistencies
- 27. Flexible Morality
- 28. Rigidity and Control
- 29. Double Standards
- 30. Trauma Bond
- 31. Solo Trip
- 32. Mental Toll
- 33. The Beginning of the End
- 34. Relationship Pause
- 35. Empathy
- 36. Self-Awareness
- 37. This Is Abuse
- 38. Accusations Are Confessions
- 39. Glimmer of Hope
- 40. Sense of Entitlement
- 41. The Discard
- Premature End